8 Things to Help in PCB Assembly That You Must Know

By | Date posted: | Last updated: September 7, 2024
Things That Helps in PCB Assembly

So you are working on your prototype and are keen that it goes into production? Here are some things that you absolutely must keep in mind so that the subsequent phases are not full of overwhelm and costly mistakes can be avoided. Read on:

8 Things that Help in Electronic PCB Assembly


There is nothing quite like communicating clearly with your PCB Assembly manufacturer. In fact, they can be a huge resource for you when it comes to apprising you of new product techniques, industry best practices and more.  As for communication from your end, ensure that everything is laid out clearly. The designators that go into each part, polarity markings and the like deserve your attention. Similarly ensure that polarity markings especially with LEDs aren’t swapped between the cathode and anode. Also ensure that reference designators are kept off vias and other such spots where the text might be broken and therefore hard to read.


To ensure that issues aren’t faced during PCB assembly, it is important that you stick to tried and tested standards. For example what kind of PCB finish that you are looking at or what is the heaviness of copper. It is advisable to stick to 3 fiduciaries with a common component orientation.

PCB Production Cost

It is best to look for ways to optimize production costs early on. However it is important to gauge the pros and cons associated with every decision. For example, offshoring PCB assembly may look like a probable way to reduce costs. What you need to keep in mind there are the risks associated with below-par parts as that can offset not just the cost advantage but also prove to be risky when it comes to company reputation. The other aspect to watch out for is to do with delays when it comes to timely delivery as that too can have costly consequences. Check out the some of the biggest influences that affect PCB Manufacturing Cost.


Another very important thing to pay attention to is to do with markings of components in your design. Ensure that there is proper labeling of all components in the design and they are numbered as well. This will take care of any issues that can arise out of any differences in nomenclature.

Low availability parts

You definitely do not want a situation where you are ready with the design but cannot move ahead on account of the fact that a particular part isn’t available or that it is a sole-sourced part. It is better to go with parts that are widely available so that you do not lose precious time.

PCB Board Efficiency

Improved board efficiency demands that as far as possible you stick to standard board sizes. For example, 406mm x 508mm and 305mm x 457mm are ideal.  Bigger doesn’t always mean better. While a large board will be easier to route, but may mean increased costs. On the other hand while a small board may lend itself to easier inspections, it may cost more on account of extra layers. It is best to go with standard sizes, therefore. Similarly well-designed component footprints are another must-have.

Watch out for PCB manufacturing issues

In PCB manufacturing, thermal issues can arise when placing large components adjacent to smaller ones. For example, a large component might prevent the solder for a smaller component from melting completely. Similarly, internal copper planes could overlap only partially, affecting only half of the component. Being vigilant about these thermal challenges in PCB manufacturing can help avoid potential errors that could derail the entire project.

Double check all files

Last but definitely not the least, double check all files before they are sent out. Ensure that the bills of materials are updated. In case you are sending the parts kit, it will help to cross check that all the parts are in order and that the part numbers are suitably marked.

The above will ensure that the assembly process does not brim with issues that cost you money and effort and delay your time to market.

Technotronix offers professional Electronic PCB Assembly with 40 years of expertise. Our accurate PCB assembly process meets the quality standards, including ISO-9001:2015, RoHS, and more. You can rely on our PCB design tools that, in turn, lead to that perfect PCB Assembly. Our superior engineering capabilities mean that each board matches your exact requirements and technical specifications. If you have any questions or any requirements related to PCB assembly service, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected] or call at 714/630-9200.

6 Common PCB Assembly Mistakes and Their Corrective Actions

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 14, 2021
PCB Assembly Mistakes

When it comes to reliability of the final product, high-quality PCB fabrication and assembly plays a key role. With PCB designs becoming more and more complex, lack of proper planning can lead to high failure rates. Read on to ensure that you understand these common faults, what causes them and most importantly how they can be prevented.

Top 6 common PCB manufacturing defects that a little prudence can be avoided

#1 No Design for Manufacturability Checks

The most common mistake made is that early design for manufacturability checks are not conducted. These significantly reduce the risk of common PCB faults that are known to occur. These checks, when conducted, at the design stage itself ensure that any corrections that may be necessary are made so that costly errors can be avoided in the manufacturability stage. DFM enables manufacturers to look at the design of the product in terms of aspects such as dimensions, materials, functionality and more. DFM also makes it possible to find alternate, optimal manufacturing methods. Therefore, it helps to save both time and money as design flaws if any, are caught well before manufacturing begins. The lack of these checks, on the other hand, leads to costly halts in production and wasted runs.

 #2 Solder Bridges

This is one of the most common defects in PCB Assembly. As its name suggests, it takes place when two or more pads become connected creating a bridge. The added issue with solder bridges is that they are very hard to detect on account of their size. Solder bridges are known to happen primarily on account of:

  • Insufficient solder layer between pads
  • Insufficient gap between pads
  • Incorrectly placed components
  • Improper seal between the stencil and bare board during the printing process.

An undetected solder bridge can lead to PCB damage on account of burning of components. It is therefore important to take note of the above factors to prevent solder bridges.

#3 Plating Voids

Uneven copper coating on the inside walls of holes on the PCB leads to a situation where the passage of electricity from through holes is impacted. This can be on account of several factors such as:

  • Material contamination
  • Contaminated holes
  • Air bubbles in the material

To ensure that plating voids are avoided, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s directions thoroughly during use. This could be in terms of the correct speed of the drill or recommended number of drill hits. A drill that is too fast can create issues with rough surfaces being created. While a drill that is too slow can lead to drill smear.

#4 De-Wetting/Non-Wetting

Another aspect to avoid is de-wetting as well as non-wetting. De-wetting is a condition that results when molten solder coats a surface and then recedes. This leaves irregularly shaped mounds of solder. Non-wetting, on the other hand, is a condition in which there is partial adherence of molten solder to the surface and the metal remains partially exposed.

To avoid these, it is important to ensure that the components have not expired and that the flux hasn’t been overused.

#5 Electromagnetic Issues

Design flaws can often lead to a situation where the PCB suffers on account of the damaging effect of electromagnetic interference. It is therefore very important to keep this aspect in mind and work on areas such as increasing PCB ground area so that electromagnetic interference is reduced and PCB can work effectively.

#6 Physical Damage

Oftentimes physical damage that results from environmental stresses during manufacturing also leads to PCB failure. For example, dropping of the PCB during prototyping. This could result in damage to components. The factor that adds to the complexity is that sometimes the damage may not be physically visible. The only option in such cases is to replace the PCB so that you do not have to incur costlier errors once the product is ready or worse still if you have gone to market with the product.

While the above list is by no means comprehensive and there can be a whole lot of factors that can result in PCB issues, these are the most common ones that can be easily avoided with some planning. In fact, with PCBs becoming smaller in size and more complex, there are many aspects need a close watch on, to ensure success. It is imperative, therefore, that you partner with experts who can preempt many of these issues, which if not stymied early can have far-reaching consequences.

Technotronix offers PCB Assembly service with 40 years of expertise. Our accurate PCB assembly process meets the quality standards, including ISO 9001:2015, RoHS, and more. Our superior engineering capabilities mean that each board matches your exact requirements and technical specifications. In case if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]

Top 5 Things to Consider for Box Build Assembly Process

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 15, 2021
Box Build Assembly Process

A box build or what is also known as systems integration is essentially an electromechanical assembly process. It includes all the assembly work involved in electromechanical assembly except for the production of PCBs. While the box build assembly process is specific to a project, it largely includes:

  • Enclosure fabrication
  • Installation
  • Routing of cable harness
  • Installation of sub-assemblies
  • Installation of components

Simply explained a box build can be imagined as a large cabinet of wires and that is how it perhaps gets its name too. It actually not just includes system, product and sub-product assembly as also the process of packaging, labelling, testing, warehousing, aftersales and more. Should you want to opt for a box build assembly process, there are a few things that you simply cannot ignore.

Here is a handy list for a box build assembly process:

Bill of Materials

This is an important requirement not just for box build but for any electronic manufacturing services provider. The bill of materials will ensure that all the key components are listed. Ideally, the Bill of Materials should list not just the key components but also small essential elements such as:

  • Wires
  • Nuts and bolts
  • Washers
  • Heat Shrinks and more

Not only does providing for them ensure that there is no increase in cost later, importantly it will ensure that no production delays occur on account of these essentials not being available.

It is also important to remember that the Bill of Materials should be comprehensive and should include details such as:

  • Item Number
  • Part Description
  • Quantity
  • Name of manufacturer and more

The more comprehensive it is, the sure you are that there are no communication gaps and that the provider can plan the entire process efficiently. In case certain parts aren’t available, with a detailed description, alternate parts can also be sourced easily.

3D CAD model

Providing a 3D CAD model is a big benefit as there is no better way to visualize the end product. In fact, with a large number of CAD packages available, there are free drawing viewers that are accessible easily. However, it is essential to have a detailed layout drawing with key components fully labelled. The provider can often have their own CAD packages that help convert drawings to instructions. It is important to have the layout drawing show details such as routing of cables etc. The provider can then take the decision on the best build method.

Sample Unit

Especially in cases where there are unfinished drawings, the importance of a sample unit cannot be overstated. The unit can be a key source of data. In fact, a sample prototype can help the provider to replicate the box build in the absence of documentation.


A clear understanding of the dimensions is required not just so that shipping but also handling and storage can be efficiently planned. In fact, discussing how the final box build PCB assembly will be packaged and shipped, is an important conversation to have, so that the provider can take the necessary decisions early.


 An aspect that cannot be ignored when it comes to electrical systems is testing. In fact, there can be a wide range of testing that you could consider – from functional testing to factory acceptance testing, visual inspection and more. It is imperative that you discuss this aspect with the provider right at the beginning. An experienced provider can guide you on the type of testing required so that safety isn’t compromised at any level.

 Whether you require a fairly straight forward box build assembly or a more complex one, a clear understanding of the above will ensure that you get the best results and that everyone knows what is required so there are no chances of anything being overlooked. In fact, if there is one thing that is imperative to make the outsourcing job successful, it is thorough communication with the assembler, so that they completely understand and deliver your exact requirements.

Additionally, Choosing a professional provider who uses lean manufacturing techniques will ensure that the assembly is efficient and effective. It is the experience and expertise of the provider that will ensure that the assembly is made to exact specifications. Additionally, you will stand to reap the advantage of speed and cost besides having to deal with few suppliers.

When executed correctly, a box build assembly can deliver on the parameters of:

  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Productivity
  • Manufacturability

With a professional provider supporting a wide range of industries, it can deliver end-to-end solutions. So much so that you could have them ship the final products to the end-user directly as well.

Technotronix Inc is a California based PCB Manufacturing and PCB Assembly Company offering Box Build PCB, PCB Prototyping, PCB Fabrication, Turn Key PCB Assembly, PCB Material Management, SMT PCB Assembly, Flexible PCB Production and many more Services as per custom requirements and specification.

In case if you have any questions, Please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected] or call us at 714/630-9200.

Click Here To Get Custom Box Build PCB Quote

Top 10 Tips to Ensure PCB Assembly Success

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 23, 2021
PCB Assembly Success 624x427

At the outset, it is important to differentiate between Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing and Printed Circuit Board Assembly. While the former deals with fabrication of the board, the latter deals with assembling the components on the circuit board thus manufactured.

Not just in PCB Manufacturing, when it comes to PCB Assembly as well, you need to ensure that you get a solution that is both high quality as well as cost-effective. This is made possible if you pay the process due attention and treat the PCB Assembler as a consultant who can offer effective suggestions not just in terms of assembly, but also on aspects such as design of the board, new product techniques, industry best practices and more.

Here are some handy tips which when followed, will go a long way in ensuring PCB Assembly success.

Use your PCB Assembler as a valued resource as you start to design your PCB

Typically PCB Assembly is regarded as a process that comes at the end of the cycle. The fact, however, is that you need to consult your PCB Assembly partner early. In fact the PCB Assembler can give you important inputs at the design stage itself, given their vast experience and expertise. Not doing so, may mean that you have to contend with costly changes, which could also delay your go-to-market which itself can turn out to be an expensive affair.

Look for Onshore Assembly

 While cost can be a key determinant when it comes to offshore assembly, the fact is that there can be many hidden costs that can cost you dear. Consider the cost of getting low quality products or delay in delivery. These issues can offset the initial low cost that you would have factored in your product pricing.

Choose the PCB Assembler wisely

 Often times you may land up choosing a supplier, who is the sole supplier of the PCB parts. There is always the risk of being stuck if the supplier cannot deliver parts on time or if he discontinues production of a certain part. In such cases you would not have any back up. Often times this criteria may not feature in your decision-making matrix, but is exceedingly important, nevertheless.

Consistency in labeling

It is important to ensure that your labels are consistent- be they on the design document or the component parts. While we are careful of the document labeling, component labeling does not get too much attention from us. However any inconsistency may lead to wrong components that can impact your product.


Ensure there is readability on your documentation and that all parts are numbered correctly. Any miscommunication can cost you dearly.

File Formats

Similarly, ensure that there is parity in the file formats. It shouldn’t happen that the assembler isn’t comfortable with the formats you send and that leads to wastage of time. This is fairly important as not all assemblers cater to all file formats. Gerber & CAD remain among the two popular formats.

Make use of the tools available with the Assembler

 The PCB Assembler can help you with the initial design and schematic creation. This can go a long way in ensuring that there are no issues at a later stage which can prove to be extremely costly as you would need to redo the prototype not to mention the fact that you would also have lost out on precious time.

DFM Reviews

It is also prudent to conduct a DFM Review before you send the design to the PCB Assembler. DFM or Design for Manufacturing checks to see whether the design aids the manufacturing process. DFM can identify many issues such as those to do with spacing or component polarity, for example. It can go a long way in pointing out discrepancies if any at the outset instead of in the end. Check out how to reduce the cost and make manufacturing process faster using PCB DFM.

List the desired capabilities

 It will help to list the desired capabilities that you want in the board. Is strong signal transmission your primary requirement or high power output a key requirement. Accordingly it will help to arrive at a design. There could be the need to arrive at some trade-offs basis what your objectives are. This will also ensure that the final product matches your expectations and that there are no discrepancies. If there is a way to enhance the capabilities given your specific requirements, the Assembler may come back with recommendations too.

Ensure you factor in the lead time

 It is important to factor in the lead time when it comes to both the design phase as well as the assembly phase. This will in turn help you arrive at your time-to-market accurately. It will also help to test before you place the final order as you will be able to check how reliable the partner is. This, in turn, will give you the necessary confidence in moving ahead.

Technotronix Inc is a California based PCB Manufacturing company offering dedicated PCB assembly, SMT PCB Assembly, Prototype PCB Assembly, Led PCB Assembly, Overseas PCB Assembly, Mastering Mixed PCB Assembly and more services as per customer requirements and specification.

In case if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected] or call us at 714/630-9200.

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