PCB Prototyping Paving Way For Innovations In The Marine Industry

By | Date posted: | Last updated: September 21, 2021
PCB Prototype

As the technology has become a universal key to major developments, the marine and boat industry has shown elevated growth in recent time. The marine market circumscribes on the electronic and design solutions for every single innovation. All the developments in Marine sector has and are heading towards a notion of modernization and among these, printed circuit board is grounding the research and developments. How to increase the efficiency of the device? How to gain optimum fuel efficiency? Does the dual fuel concept become a buzz word for major innovations? These are the basic questions which are considered to bring new novelties in the market. This article is a detailed conspectus of marine and boat industry and the role of printed circuit boards in manufacturing modified marine electronic instrumentation. This will also drive you to the spotlights into the use of PCB prototypes, PCB assembly and pcb layout in Maritime industry, the commendable marine innovations/New concepts and the prime factors affecting the modernization in the marine industry.

PCB Prototyping Innovation in Marine Industry and Boating Industry

Awash with modernization, the marine market shows innovations in safety devices, telematics, equipments with resistance to vibration, underwater marine machinery and many more. The marine and boating industry shows a major concern for the protection of electrical resources from destruction due to climatic reactions and global warming. With this, the Submarines, weather sensors, marine gauges, underwater equipment, crane, flood detector, galvanic Isolator, fuel efficient motors and other tough marine applications need proven design to engineer the marine vessel manufacturing.

The electric connectivity and mechanical support provided by marine PCB’s is at the base to create an all to gather efficient Marine machinery and aquatic vessel. From manufacturing ship, yachts, craft and other aquatic vessels depend on printed circuit boards to control the marine mechanism with electronic process. Among all, Rigid/Flex PCB is majorly used in providing electronic solutions that have an efficient RF Module The maritime electronic PCB are of many types depending upon the purpose of use. The double layered and multi layered PCB is used for complex compositions of marine vessels. Also high grade PCB material is used in the circuit board that well suits the climatic reactions in the sea. The PCB is at the base of every single marine innovation happening across the globe. To explore more insights into the PCB used in the Marine industry, it is equally important to know about the current Maritime industry.

Initially the marine market marked stagnation before few decades. Gradually, with a drift in technology, the boat and marine industry has picked up a pace with new developments. This can be marked in marine civil construction and engineering, underwater ad diving technology, marine equipment, marine electronics, renewable energy and marine security. The research for developments in maritime sector has added crowns in the small devices and large equipment as well. Few developments seen in small marine devices are outlined as under:

Marine load testing is an electronic portable equipment with strong hydraulic cylinder and customized ropes to create more than 120 tonnes of pull underwater. The underwater Impact torque device is a marine electronic tool to strongly tighten the screw and nuts to perfect torque. The saltwater pressure washer that works with the help of Diesel and is extensively used for maintenance and cleaning of wind farms. The design and structure of the machine is such that has resistance to the marine conditions and can efficiently wash the offshore wind farm. The radio combiner and other marine telecommunication devices have an ergonomic design for compact high speed craft.

Apart from these, boat/ship dashboards, exit lights, marine spotlights, navigation system, electronic counter measurement device, engine management, radar system, beacon and strobe system have markedbreakthrough modifications to make it a fuel efficient and time savvy marine operations.

Recent Concepts:

  • The Advance Outfitting is the time and cost saver technique to manufacture the ship and heavy marine machineries. In this method, the ship building process involves assembling the marine outfits like seating, piping, machinery in a small unit which is fixed at its actual position afterwards in the hull block. This saves much time and cost as before the ship building process the hull is fabricated first and after launching the hull from the berth, the outfitting process starts that proves to be tedious and time consuming.
  • The Green Ship Technology to reduce the carbon is a step ahead to environmental protection. It has a solar cell integration with effective anti ballast system. For making marine operations greener, many other marine electronic devices are launched in the market that includes the optimized cooling system, engines to bring down the level of nitrogen oxide level, exhaust scrubber, solar cell hybrid system, dual fuel motors and many more.

Be it a new or an old concept driving the marine operations, few factors affect the modernization in Marine innovations. Among which the Environment is a top most factor of prime consideration. Another aspect that brings a Dinger in the maritime industry is making a move towards Digitalization of all the marine operations. At the end, researchers are now striving to trigger the innovations in electronic instruments and control system that has high applicability in the Marine industry. Among which the different types of PCB prototypes and PCB assembly services are grounding the studies to come up with better and better solutions for marine machine manufacturing.

To know more about PCB used in the Marine industry, visit www.technotronix.us

At Technotronix, we combine state-of-the-art technology with our advanced engineering to deliver unparalleled quality and service. With fast PCB prototyping and consistent delivery of high-quality PCBs, we offer a robust source of competitive advantage to our clients. With our four decades of experience, you can rest assured that we are cognizant of the industry best practices and will keep you ahead of the curve. Visit to know more about PCB prototyping service and feel free to contact us. Also, you can drop an email to us at [email protected].

The Medical Industry Is Fueled By Innovations With Enhancement In The PCB Fabrication

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 8, 2022

With a continuous expedition on better ways of diagnosis and medical treatments, a medical market in the US has a ceaseless growth graph. This is due to many new innovations addressed in medical device and equipment with implementation of state-of-the-art techniques. The application of the biotechnology, stent technology, microelectronics, robotic technology has given far reaching solutions for providing medical care and advanced therapeutic treatments in the world. One of the most vital components in fabrication of medical instruments is the printed circuit boards. The sustainability challenge faced by the medical OEM’s and medical equipment manufacturers is not only restricted to technologies, but also needs commitments to reliable PCB production, functional excellence and acclimatization to stringent medical standards. With this, an accurate PCB prototyping, pcb layout, PCB assembly and above all the material quality are at the top of the list of medical engineering requirements. This article casts a clear picture on the application of medical PCB’s and PCB testing methods with the technologies used in the PCB fabrication process.

A high emphasis is given to the PCB assembly and fabrication process in the recent times. With each and every medical project, high end customization is needed in PCB manufacturing. Be it high, medium or low volume PCB production, a PCB assembler has to show constant developments in the chemical and galvanic process,  pressing under high temperature/vacuum, routing and drilling process to get high yields on batches of production. Also the medical market points out fierce competition on how to make the device compact, multi functional, user friendly and cost effective.

Innovations of PCB assembly in medical Industry:

With this, the printed circuit board has a wide range of application in medical electronic instruments, heater and medical sensors that are highly used in the operation theater, hospitals, clinics and other healthcare institutions. These include the pacemakers, dental anesthesia delivery system, modulation devices, Endoscope leak detection system, defibrillators, electrical teeth whitening system, hearing aids, thermo therapy system and many more. The rigid/flex circuit boards with magnetic flux telemetry communication are highly used in the manufacture of medical instruments like cardiac devices, pacemakers and ICD. The multi layered flex PCB has high application in the neurological simulation implants that demand miniaturization at large. For hearing aid devices and infusion drug pumps,  rigid/flex PCB is more preferable as it has flex coils that help in communication mechanism. To get durable and safe electronic solution for Vivo and Vitro Diagnostic Application custom made PCB with proven design are used to meet the unique specification of the customers.

The flex printed circuit boards have high application in the floor standing analyzer and wire wound resistance thermometer. These types of PCB have a light weighted and thin etched foil to maintain a constant temperature.  A neurological probe demands flexible PCB’s to create devices that can help avoid nerve damage at the time of prostate surgery. Other surgical devices include motor controls integrated in surgical drills used for bone surgeries, for dental surgeries- RTD temperature sensor, surface mounted LED and control switches, heaters used in the IV fluid delivery system,  medical scanners, factory mounted Polyimide heaters and many more.

A high frequency and high density interconnect in the PCB’s has become the prime commitment of the PCB assembler to be offered to the medical sector. Some of the devices are produced in low volume, but have varied PCB’s installed in it. These devices include X-Ray system, MRI and CT scan system. The machines used for the medical treatment for cardiac arrest, depression and epilepsy need digital/analog PCB assembly. Improving the surgical rates and quality of life of people, PCB with high durability becomes the main concern. Besides this, the medical device manufacturer has sensed an attractive growth in the active implants.

On the other hand, a hike in investments for the innovative technologies  is addressed by keeping medical customer requirements at the nucleus. For medical market, recent enhancement is seen in the Surface Mount Technology (SMT), Through Hole Technique (THT), No Clean Flux Soldering, Catheter technology, HDI micro via technology, Conformal Coating, Kanban and testing technologies. These technologies are implemented by the PCB fabricators to provide unparalleled pcb layout and prototype services. For this, they need to proffer a wide range of PCB with different type, shape, dimension, functionalities and material melds. Some of them are single sided PCB, double sided PCB with/without plated through holes, HDI and ultra HDI circuit boards, multi-layered PCB, Rigid/Flex PCB and Semi flexible PCB.

As the medical market needs to abide by the high quality standards, research and development are also marked in the testing methods to maintain the durability, strength and toughness in the future PCB prototype and assembly process. Today, the automated optical inspection, Functional testing, Flying Probe Testing and ICT testing  are highly implemented with upcoming enhancements in electrical testing method, ionic contamination testing,  stress test and temperature cycling test. Besides innovations in the testing methods, research is heading towards the eradication of dangerous viruses across the globe one of which is Ebola virus. Thus, the medical industry is ahead of dominant markets globally with the fruitful growth rise every other day.

We cater Medical PCB prototype solution to a wide range of industries. Our strength lies in responding to the high degree of innovation in product layout with skill and dexterity. The fact that we are an ISO 9001:2015 AS9100 Rev D company, means that you can rest assured that your products are in safe hands. When you are dealing with us, you aren’t just dealing with any other vendor but a quality partner who is as committed to taking healthcare services to a whole new level.

TechnoTronix escalating significance of advanced engineering of PCB’s for technology driven domains!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 8, 2022
PCB Technologies

The way in which industrial apparatus and electronics have become an important need in our routine lives is due to the diverse innovations, transmissions and concepts coming up into different markets. The core advancement in engineering of printed circuit board with regards to the layout flow, testing and assembling process has taken a step ahead for the technology- driven industries.

The changing gears in technology-driven markets have sensed a maturity in growth of printed circuit boards. With high circuitry velocity, multi layering PCB and many features in compact space there has been a great improvement in the engineering of prototypes and PCB Assembly processes.

TechnoTronix specializes in high mix, medium to low volume manufacturing for box build, mechanical and cable harness PCB assemblies with its varied customer base across the globe. The application of a wide range of PCB’s from aircraft fleets, defense equipments, and telecommunication, medical, pharmaceutical to mining, refineries and construction industries has filtered and upgraded the fabrication of Advanced PCB assembly. We leverage varied technologies which includes wireless systems, analog design, DSP, software, embedded microprocessor system, networking, mechanical systems, communication, power electronics and RF.

We are a trailblazer in offering PCB Prototyping and manufacturing services by using state- of-the- art techniques for PCB engineering. Some of them are through- hole technique, surface mount technique, chip-on-board, multi layered quick turn prototyping, custom IC design and thermal profiling. It has achieved technological advancement with specialization to create grueling and stout designs using Allegro (a Cadence tool) and PADS (an innervated tool) to handle any of the toughest PCB Layout.

Thus, enhanced methods and techniques is at the mainframe for advanced engineering of PCB’s for providing electronic design and manufacturing solutions to the customers. Visit our PCB Fabrication services to get more details on our PCB engineering services!

Recent and Rising Application of Industrial Automation

By | Date posted: | Last updated: February 14, 2022

Since the transformation of the century, there has been great boom of automation almost in each and every field across the globe, including industrial automation, home automation, mining automation, military automation, instrumentation and many more. Automation industries tend to customize the products for specific applications and needs. The Industrial automation will generate volatile growth with technologies related to new modulation points, i.e., Nanotechnology systems and Nanotech sensors. In the field of industrialization, automation is a major step besides mechanization. The up-coming future is mostly based on new concepts with up-gradation in wireless and compact technologies worldwide.

There are different types of automation tools, i.e., programmable logic controller, instrumentation, motion control, human machine interface, artificial neural network and distributed control system. When it comes to industrial automation, Host Simulation Software is used as a testing tool to inspect the devices.

There are certain technologies which have recently been introduced in the automation industries across the globe; some of them are ATMEL and new logic in industrial automation which combines relay logic and programmable logic controller. Other automated based applications includes wind energy transformer control, weather control, thermal reading control in plastic molding machines, new positioning of processes, control of robots, control in wastewater treatment plants, fire field control in waste incineration plants and anti-sway control of cranes.

The base element of any electronic solution and manufacturing solution is printed circuit board. To get an exact end to end solution for your electronic project, there are many different types of PCB assembled with state of the art techniques as per the customer requirements. A requirement of automated inspection exists in all PCB Assembly process where high quality and safety standards are to be applied in the operations. There is high demand of machines, other electronics devices and gadgets which are smaller and smooth wherein the printed circuit boards with lighter weight and compact shape are used. Few examples of industrial automation are air condition and ventilation system, analog meters, audio amplifiers, digital meters, electromechanical controls, heat sinks, electronic test instruments, industrial controls, potentiometers, resistance meters, transducers, weather station instrumentation and many more.

These up gradation in the automation gives high efficiency in the business processes along with delivering higher quality products with the minimizing the tedious work and saving the cost of production. Thus, one of the major challenges for automation based industries is to keep up to date with technology trends to survive in the market.

Technotronix offer Electronics Manufacturing Service with combining state-of-the-art technology and advanced engineering to deliver unparalleled quality and service. Our prolonged goal is to serve our customers with electronic telecom solutions for development in telecommunication industry and to create advanced IT applications for our customers globally. To acquaint with Technotronix, reach us at [email protected] to get more information for PCB Manufacturing services for electrical telecom applications or prototypes!