Leaded Solder vs Lead Free: The biggest debate in PCB manufacturing!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: February 15, 2023
Leaded Solder vs Lead Free

You sure want to stay compliant with RoHS guidelines that restrict the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, lead being one. PCB Manufacturing, however, has been debating the merits of using leaded versus lead free solder for a long time. Let us look at the relative merits of both in detail:

What Are Lead Solders & Lead-free Solders Made of??

Lead solder also referred to as SNPB solder essentially comprises of lead and tin as its base components. Increasingly, the occupational risks of soldering with lead have been highlighted. Essentially, the dust and fumes generated by lead soldering have been found to be toxic when inhaled. Lead based solder is thus a documented health hazard. In 2006, the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) was adopted by the European Union (EU).

Lead-free solder has emerged as a replacement of the conventional lead solder. Lead-free solder contains the following substances in varying proportions:

  • Copper
  • Tin
  • Silver
  • Nickel
  • Zinc
  • Bismuth
  • Antimony

Some of the commonly used lead free solders include:

1. Tin-Silver
In such solders, the silver acts as a catalyst as also increases the electrical conductivity of the joint. Tin in this case acts as the base metal which offers strength to the solder. It also acts as a protective agent and reduces the possibility of corrosion.

2. Tin-Copper
The role of copper in the solder is to improve mechanical strength as also the electrical conductivity.

3. Tin-Zinc
The use of zinc goes a long way in lowering the melting point of the solder.

Leaded Solder Vs Lead-free Solder Paste

There are several advantages of using lead solder when compared to lead-free solder.

Advantages of using Lead Solder

Strong joint formation
Lead solder typically offers good electrical conductivity between various metals leading to strong joints.

Ease of use
The advantage with leaded solder is that there is no need for any cleaning agents before its application. The solder paste can be applied directly onto the surface. On heating the molten solder flows into the gaps and once it solidifies it forms a strong bond.

Strong Wetting Property
Since lead solder has a strong wetting property, it is easy for it to flow in narrow spaces.

Disadvantage of Using Lead Solder

The disadvantages of using lead solder includes:

On heating, lead solder produces poisonous gases that can pose a serious threat to life.

Heat dissipation
Lead solder is known for its high thermal resistance. This means heat dissipation is an issue.

Given the flammability of lead solder, there is high risk of fire.

Depending upon the purity level of the solder, the cost of lead solder is also high.

Advantages of using Lead-Free Solder

The advantages of using lead-free solder include:

Low cost
Lead-free solder costs lower than leaded solder and is therefore far more affordable.

Environment friendly
The big advantage with lead-free solder is that is does not produce toxic fumes or waste material and therefore does not contaminate the environment.

With lead free solder being less combustible, the chances of fire are low.

While lead-free solder joints tend to look different in appearance, joints soldered with lead-free solder paste tend to be reliable. Of course, in order to eliminate soldering defects you need to look at many other factors including but not limited to the temperature, vibration, pre-heating time and throughput and the skill level of the operator. The PCB fabricator’s experience in RoHS material compliance can go a long way in ensuring reliability.

The design layout of the circuit board, and the right component selection also have strong roles to play when it comes to quality control issues. Additionally, the choice of lead-free products needs to be made as per the design parameters. Proper board layout and component selection will ensure that there is no damage to electronic components. This is particularly important as during reflow high temperatures are experienced for extended time periods.

To sum up

Reliability of the final product demands that the solder joints are reliable and that they do not act as a heat intermediary. When making the decision of what kind of solder will work best for your PCB manufacturing project, it is important to consider factors such as:

  • Safety
  • Cost
  • Wiring Requirements
  • Ease of handling, and more.

With a reliable PCB manufacturer you can rest assured that all RoHS material compliance issues are taken care of without sacrificing quality or time to market.

Technotronix is one of the leading providers of Lead-Free PCB manufacturing services to all the dominant industries. Our main strength lies in the extensive experience and skilled team of experts to build Lead-Free and RoHS Compliant PCB Assembly and manufacturing solution. You can drop an email to [email protected] or give us a call at 714/630-9200 to solve your queries or to get a quote.

Common mistakes to avoid in PCB layout design for manufacturability!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: September 7, 2024
PCB Layout Design

PCB is a crucial component that ensures the functionality of any electronic device. Therefore, optimizing the PCB layout design with the utmost care is essential, as even minor design errors can compromise PCB integrity. Such errors can lead to manufacturing delays and increased costs.

Fortunately, numerous design tools are available to help PCB board manufacturer minimize design-for-assembly errors and reduce costs. By leveraging professional PCB layout services, you can ensure that your design is efficient and manufacturable, avoiding common pitfalls and optimizing overall production.

Here are 7 common PCB layout design mistakes that need to be avoided to ensure that the PCB functions reliably.

#1. Trace Geometry

PCB traces transmit electrical signals between different components of the circuit. The geometry of each trace, therefore, is extremely important. It is important that the width and thickness of each trace be carefully maintained.

It will help to consider facts such as the traces placed on the external layers of the PCB, can carry a higher current at the same thickness as they can take advantage of the heat dissipation. The trace width also depends upon the amount of copper used for that layer. Other than the width, the thickness of each trace also needs to be considered. Several PCB designers often choose a standard thickness value; however, you need to make sure that the thickness value is sufficient for high power tracks. Greater thickness also means a lower resistance to passage of current.

#2. PCB Layout

The importance of an effective PCB layout cannot be overstated. With the trend toward miniaturization, smaller components and reduced distances between them are becoming more common. An inefficient layout can lead to numerous non-compliance issues, particularly when dealing with components that have smaller pitches and higher pin counts.

Choosing a PCB layout design that meets the circuit’s needs is crucial. It’s important to allocate sufficient space on the PCB to accommodate any additional components that may be required. If these components are not used, corrective measures can be taken before PCB manufacturing begins, ensuring a smoother production process and higher overall quality.

#3. Decoupling Capacitors

Decoupling Capacitors have a strong role to play in ensuring that stable power supply is made available to all board components. These capacitors need to be connected in parallel with the power supply. It is also important to ensure that they be placed as close as possible to the pins of the components that need power. The power line also needs to be properly routed to ensure that the decoupling function works well.

#4 Automatic Routing

While many designers tend to take advantage of the automatic routing functionality that is offered by design tools, it is important to remember that automatic routing occupies a large area of the PCB. Besides, it also creates via holes that are larger than what you tend to create with manual routing.

#5. Electromagnetic interference (EMI)

Improper PCB design also often leads to electromagnetic interference. To avoid this, it is important to group elements as per their functionality. For example, there can be different analog and digital blocks, low speed, and high-speed circuits, and more. Additionally, it is important to eliminate right angles on the traces. To reduce interference, it is also important to use metal containers and shielded cables.

#6. Antenna Layout

If the PCB contains antennas to facilitate wireless communication, it is important to ensure that layout errors related to the antenna are avoided.

To maximize power transfer, it is important to adapt the impedance between the transceiver and the antenna. Typically, the transmission line that connects the transceiver with the antenna should have an impedance of 50 Ω. To adjust the impedance accurately, the use of a Pi (LC) tuner filter is ideal. It needs to be placed between the antenna and the receiver.

#7. Blind or Buried Vias

Via holes go a long way in solving complex routing issues. In their use, however, some amount of caution is required.

Blind vias should be used to connect an external layer with an internal one. Buried vias, on the other hand, must be used to connect two internal layers. Through hole vias need to be used to connect two external layers and an internal layer. In creating a via hole, the following things need to be taken in consideration:

  • Hole size
  • Tolerances, and other attributes.

Also, since blind and buried vias come at a cost, it is also prudent to plan their use judiciously.

Here, in this article we have mentioned some of the most common mistakes that can take place during PCB design process. Make sure to read these guidelines and follow these steps to create a successful PCB design project.

At Technotronix, our broad experience in offering PCB Layout with one or more insulating layers containing signal trace with an exact power and ground for the layout has made us one of the kingpins in providing PCB manufacturing and layout services. Submit your any custom PCB layout and design service requirements via PCB layout quote form along with BOM (Bill of Material) and Gerber files and we will get back to you soon. Alternatively, you can email your requirements at [email protected] or call us at 714/630-9200.

Wire Harness Manufacturing Process – A Step by Step Guide

By | Date posted: | Last updated: February 14, 2022

The demand for wire harnesses continues to grow and with it we need to understand the manufacturing process of this critical component in detail. Before we offer a step-by-step guide to the manufacturing process, let us look at what wire harness assemblies are and what are the benefits of their use.

What are Wire Harness Assemblies?

Simply put wire harness assemblies are the bundled processed wires with a protective sheath. Harnesses are important as they organize wires for easy implementation. They are different from cable assemblies in that cable assemblies bind multiple covered wires with a covering to provide protection in harsh environments. Make the right choice between cable assemblies and wire harness assemblies.

The benefits of wire harness assemblies include:

  • They help optimize space.
  • They help in customization basis the bespoke need of the appliance.
  • They help in improving equipment safety.
  • They improve the life of custom cable assemblies and wires.

Wire Harnesses find extensive application in a wide variety of appliances including but not limited to:

  • Automotive
  • Flight Simulators
  • Panel Displays
  • Heavy equipment and more

Step-By-Step Guide of the Wire Harness Manufacturing Process:

Wire Harness Design

The manufacturing process, of course, begins with the design aspect. The wire harness needs to be custom designed for each product. What is also imperative is to choose the components of the harness carefully and be mindful of all specifications.

Wire Harness Prototyping

Since the wire harness plays a critical role, prior testing is mandatory. What this means, is to create a functional prototype so that the harness can be tested in its intended application. This way you can be sure about the harness before beginning the first production run and there are no costly errors to contend with at a later date.

Wire Harness Production & Assembly

The production of the wire harness leaves little room for error, so all design specifications need to be met. It is important to remember that despite some level of automation, the manual assembly still plays an important role in the wire harness manufacturing process. This is on account of the fact, that wire harnesses and cable assemblies involve some intricate steps that need manual intervention. Since wire harnesses need to be customized for individual applications, the role of manual assembly further increases. They resolve geometric and electrical issues in the products. They also ground and protect wires from both external and internal damage. Also, the advantage of manual production is its cost-effectiveness.

Broadly speaking, the steps involved in building the wire harness involve:

  • Cutting the wires to the right length with a wire cutting machine.
  • Stripping the wire ends to be able to attach the terminals or connectors.
  • Gathering the wire into a harness meeting the design specifications. Manual processes involve routing the wires through the sleeves, crimping the terminals onto the wires, insertion of one sleeve into the other, fastening strands etc.
  • There is some amount of automation involved too as cutting machines are used to cut the wires to specified lengths. The use of machines is also in crimping terminals. Besides, solder machines are used to seal the wire ends.

Wire Harness Testing

Post production, comes the important stage of testing where each wire harness goes through a process of safety testing. This is a crucial process as it ensures that the product performs up to its potential. The harness needs to be checked for continuity as also for construction and labeling.

To sum up

It is important to remember that the more detailed your documentation is the fewer issues will be faced on the assembly floor. Some of the information that should be provided to the contract manufacturer includes:

  • Detailed images of connectors along with the pin locations
  • Wire lists
  • Bill of Materials
  • Assembly Drawing
  • Testing Specifications

The contract manufacturer will be in a position to offer a number of recommendations to do with the following aspects:

  • Termination recommendations on how the wires should be attached- such as stripped and bare or stripped and tinned.
  • Torque values on wire harness components and fasteners.

It is advisable that you give generic specifications for the wires. That way the PCB manufacturer can go with what works best for the harness and what is cost-effective. With due attention paid to the above issues you can ensure that you help speed the overall manufacturing process as also receive a quality product.

At Technotronix, we have 40 years of experience in manufacturing and assembling industry-leading printed circuit boards, cable, and wire harness assemblies. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and skilled personnel, we offer wire harness assemblies to meet your bespoke requirements. Technotronix can be your trusted PCB manufacturer who will give you ample smart solutions related to printed circuit boards.

Top 10 Myths and Facts about selecting the Electronic Contract Manufacturing Partner

By | Date posted: | Last updated: October 29, 2021
Electronic Contract Manufacturing

With outsourcing playing a significant role in electronics manufacturing, the choice of the right partner becomes an important determinant of success. However, there are several myths that exist when it comes to the choice of electronic contract manufacturer. About we debunk these myths and unearth the real facts that help you make the right choice. So here goes:

#Myth 1

Technical competence is the only thing to look for in an electronic contract manufacturing partner

While clearly, technical competence is an important aspect of the choice of an electronic contract manufacturer, but it clearly isn’t the only factor. The mistake most people make is that many other business factors are ignored when making the choice. It is important to remember that working with an electronic contract manufacturing partner is a complex business relationship not just a technical one.

#Myth 2

A better presentation is equivalent to a superior contract manufacturer

Let us face it, an impressive presentation may be a function of the excellent sales and marketing capabilities of the contract manufacturer. It is extremely important that while you go by the presentation as an indicator, you also judge the other capabilities of the PCB contract manufacturer namely its operations expertise. It is absolutely imperative that you also do a robust reference check before coming to any decision.

#Myth 3

Larger Companies will charge a lower Value-Added Margin

Once again, while this may be true sometimes, it isn’t a universally held premise. This is because while large electronic contract manufacturers may get a volume discount on their raw material requirements, labor costs may or may not follow the same practice.

#Myth 4

If the manufacturer has a good vertical integration model in place it can offer low prices

This too isn’t always a given. There are electronic contract manufacturers who could do this and then again, there are others who could have a disintegrated supply chain and yet could offer you competitive prices.

#Myth 5

You need to go with a partner that also invests in your business.

Well, not necessarily. Besides, there may not be any critical advantage that you may necessarily reap from the partnership. Not to mention the fact that if the electronic contract manufacturer loses any money building products for you, the partnership will break anyway.

#Myth 6

The electronic contract manufacturer should not be working for my competitor

Your fear may be totally unfounded. As long as the electronic contract manufacturer is compatible with your overall project that also works with your competitor shouldn’t affect your decision. Professional contract manufacturers will certainly be totally conscious of the proprietary nature of the PCB manufacturing processes. It is also worth remembering that electronic contract manufacturers who work extensively in your industry will also have access to industry’s best practices that will stand you in good stead and ensure that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

#Myth 7

I need to necessarily go with a “Tier 1” contract manufacturer

Bigger isn’t always better! The important bit is to find the right fit in terms of:

  • Volumes
  • Technology
  • Working style
  • Geography
  • Experience, and more.

As long as you find the right size, super size may be inconsequential.

#Myth 8

Lowest price must be the final decision-making criteria

Well, everything else being equal, the above statement holds true. Sometimes, however, you may land up deciding basis a low per unit price and may discover some hidden costs later. In that case, the economics may not work out as well as you had hoped them to.

#Myth 9

I need to partner with multiple electronic contract manufacturers

While this strategy may be based on the perspective of spreading out the risk, it comes with multiple downsides. The most obvious one being that it results in managing multiple relationships and the many problems it brings, a potent one being issues in communication. Also, with multiple partners there is also the fear of timelines of one derailing the entire project.

#Myth 10

If I select the right electronic contract manufacturer there is nothing more that I need to do

Much as it is important to choose the right contract manufacturer, it is equally important to manage the relationship to reap significant results. Also, you need to represent the better plan, strategy and challenges for the best results. An electronic contract manufacturer is the one who can help you out with the product operation. Maintaining a fruitful relationship with your contract manufacturer is the thing you need to do to enjoy the relationship.

With 40 years of experience in the field, a PCB contract manufacturer can be your trusted partner in making available the right components, through a network of component manufacturers.

As a leading electronics contract manufacturer, Technotronix provides a one-stop solution for electronics manufacturing services which includes PCB fabrication and PCB assembly, turnkey, build-box, quick turn prototyping, high mix low volume and high-volume, manufacturing solution, new product introduction, BGA work, engineering support, testing and other services that mainly require by OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers). From initial manufacturing, design, development, to full-scale production and after-market support, Technotronix can provide you with a complete package of industrial electronics manufacturing. In case if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected] or call us at 714/630-9200.