PCB Conformal Coating vs PCB Encapsulation – Which one would you Choose?

By | Date posted: | Last updated: February 15, 2023
PCB Encapsulation

With the rapid growth in the electronics industry, the use of PCB is also growing exponentially. Its use in different applications however means that the PCB is subject to different environmental conditions. In places where the PCB is subject to moisture or harsh chemicals, performance can be of concern. It is therefore imperative that the PCB be coated to protect it from environmental conditions. This protection can be offered by way of either conformal coating or potting or by way of encapsulation.

Properties of PCB Potting and PCB Encapsulation:

Potting as well as encapsulation resins go a long way in offering a high level of protection for the PCB. In fact, encapsulation offers both electrical properties as well as mechanical protection. This high level of protection is ensured by way of a mass of resin surrounding the entire unit. This is far more substantial when compared to conformal coating. In fact, potting along with encapsulation offer fool proof protection. However potting and encapsulation resins need to be tested in a number of environments, so that their specifications and suitability for use can be determined. These tests typically involve exposing them to controlled atmospheric conditions over a period of time. The dimensions, weight and appearance of the resin is seen before and after the tests to check if any changes have occurred.

Properties of conformal coating PCB:

Besides potting and encapsulation resins, conformal coating can also be done in order to protect the PCB. This is done by applying it as a thin film. Since the film takes to the contours of the board, it does not cause any dimensional changes or add to the weight significantly. This in fact acts as a big advantage in favour of conformal coating as it lends itself easily to portability of the device. Tests, however, need to be conducted to evaluate the electrical and mechanical performance of the film in the applicable environment. The film needs to be tested in conditions such as humidity, temperature and more in order to determine the suitability of the film in such atmospheric conditions. Check out the guide on how Conformal Coating becoming a core driver to PCB Fabrication.

Application area of conformal coating & PCB potting

Both Conformal Coating as well as encapsulation and potting are available in different variants that make them suitable for particular applications. For standard conditions most, conformal coatings as well as potting and resin encapsulation work well. However, if the conditions are harsh, the choice of coating will vary. For example, acrylic coating works well in conditions where there is sustained exposure to UV light. However acrylic coating may not work well in conditions where the humidity levels are high. In such conditions, a Non-VOC Coating would work far better.

In cases where there is likely to be a lot of mechanical stress or where environmental conditions are harsh, optimum performance of the device will be obtained through the use of potting and encapsulation resins. Silicon resins or polyurethane resins are known to offer a greater degree of flexibility. In fact, polyurethane resins are preferred where temperatures are particularly low. They are also ideal for conditions where the device is immersed in water. Epoxy resins are preferable where exposure to chemicals is high.

Final words on Conformal coating vs potting:

Clearly therefore the choice of coating has a lot to do with the physical environment in which the device operates. While conformal coating scores on parameters such as ease and speed of processing, potting and encapsulation resins are preferable where climatic conditions are harsh. Conformal coating is also preferable where miniaturisation and portability of the device is essential. With both offering their distinct advantages, it is essential therefore to conduct a thorough evaluation of your unique requirements before coming at a decision with regard to the coating.

Technotronix is a skilled and experienced professional in providing apt PCB layout and PCB fabrication service. Our strong team of researchers and technical experts have made it possible to provide an effective lamination solution for your PCB project. Be it high frequency laminates, shrinking hole to hole pitch, exotic vias structures, multiple lamination cycle, lead free or halogen free solder assembly with strict environmental security considerations and high operating temperature are some of the highlights to our tough laminate technology implementation. You can drop an email to [email protected] or give us a call at 714/630-9200 to solve your queries or to get a quote.

The effects of ESD (Electrostatic discharge) on PCBs

By | Date posted: | Last updated: January 18, 2023
PCB Manufacturing

What is ESD?

Electrostatic Discharge or ESD as it is commonly called, occurs when two objects with different charges come close, so that the dielectric between them is broken. The common form of ESD that all of us are familiar with is lightning. Ever so often we could feel little sparks from a wool blanket, for example, which is once again a result of ESD.

How does ESD affect PCB?

When a PCB comes close to any object that has an opposite charge, it is subject to ESD. If the two come in contact, voltage is discharged and a massive voltage spike is created. Once the spike dissipates, electromagnetic fields are generated. It is therefore important to minimize the effect of the discharge. This is typically referred to as an PCB ESD Protection.

With modern chipsets having little tolerance for high voltage, an ESD event can as much as totally ruin the IC. The impact of ESD needs to therefore be factored in the design process of the PCB, as later it could lead to a host of redesigning to fix issues.

ESD can exist in many forms. While it typically requires several thousand volts for ESD to be felt by a person, even a small discharge can ruin semiconductors if the part is in the path of the ESD.
In turn this damage can be latent or catastrophic.

Catastrophic Damage:

This refers to the permanent damage to the device’s circuitry and can be detected using a performance test.

Latent damage:

This is said to occur when a device is partly degraded on account of being exposed to ESD yet continues to run even though its lifetime behavior is likely to be affected making the device unreliable.

Costly Effects Of ESD

While a catastrophic failure can be detected at an early manufacturing stage, it may not turn out to be as costly as a latent damage since it isn’t normally detected easily. As the product passes the regular inspection, latent failures can prove to be extremely costly besides impacting the company’s reputation.

What causes ESD?

ESD can be caused by a number of seemingly ordinary activities. A simple activity such as plugging in a cable can lead to a discharge. It is therefore important to protect your PCB from external connections as plugging in or pulling out a cable can expose the devise to the risk of ESD. There are, therefore, a number of precautions that can be taken to protect your PCB from the risk of ESD. Common precautions include:

  • Using a copper land or pad to attach connectors
  • Keep the pad separate from the PCB ground
  • Use a Transient Voltage Suppressor to protect the board

It is also prudent to establish and identify an ESD Protected Area, which is a clearly demarcated space within which all surfaces, objects, people and ESD Sensitive Devices (ESDs) are kept at the same potential. Typically all surfaces are linked to the ground. The area also needs to be identified with a clear signage and should allow access to only trained personnel. Periodic checks of installed products are mandatory within the area while all non-essential insulators need to be removed. It is also important to identify ESD Sensitive items as also to provide adequate ESD Control training to the staff to ensure that ESD control procedures are followed. The staff needs to be aware of the threat of ESD as also the ways and means of controlling static electricity.

PCB Layout to prevent Electrostatic Discharge

Apart from this, a whole lot of PCB Layout practices can go a long way in protecting PCB. These include:

Remove circuit loops:

Loops can lead to unwanted current. This in turn affects performance as unwanted current spikes can enter any loop. Due care therefore needs to be taken to ensure there are no loops.

Utilize ground plane layers in the printed circuit board:

Using a ground plane within a circuit board can go a long way in helping to reduce loops and therefore unwanted current.

Reduce line lengths:

Reducing line length in effect reduces the radiated energy received and therefore reducing the spikes from electrostatic discharges.

Reduce parasitic inductance:

Protection circuits can only work effectively if parasitic inductance levels are low. In turn parasitic inductance can be reduced by keeping the line lengths short.

Avoid running sensitive tracks near the extremity of the PCB:

The extremities of the board are more likely to pick up static discharge. It is therefore prudent to keep sensitive lines away from the extremities.

With electronic circuitry becoming increasingly smaller, the sensitivity to ESD is on the rise. What therefore also increases is the need for proper ESD protection.

Technotronix offers Electronics Manufacturing Service with combining state-of-the-art technology and advanced engineering to deliver unparalleled quality and service. Our prolonged goal is to serve our customers with electronic telecom solutions for development in telecommunication industry and to create advanced IT applications for our customers globally. To acquaint with Technotronix, reach us at [email protected] to get more information about PCB Manufacturing services for electrical telecom applications or prototypes!

Save Time and Energy by Keeping up with Technology and PCB Manufacturing Trends

By | Date posted: | Last updated: September 4, 2024

The global market for Printed Circuit Boards or PCBs as they are known as in popular parlance, is growing exponentially. The market is in turn shaped by the growth of the electronics industry in general and by computers, smartphones and tablets in particular. As more and more opportunities arise from the combination of various technologies, the PCB market is slated to grow further. It is only prudent therefore to keep up with new trends in technology as well as in PCB Manufacturing.

Top PCB Industry trends are as below:


With increased digitalization along with the declining costs of data transmission and the growth of “Internet of Things”, it is forecasted that necessary infrastructure will emerge as the strong areas of growth. These include base stations for data transmission, computers, data centers and more. Within the computers segment, servers and storage media show tremendous growth potential

Growth of smartphones

The greatest technological growth drivers in the electronics industry are the smartphones. Not only are they the largest segment of the global electronics industry they are also the fastest growing. On account of the growth of IoT as well as the impending introduction of 5G Networks, the market for communication software is only slated to grow.

Consumer market

The consumer market which has demand for Printed Circuit Boards in products such as cameras, televisions and other smart devices, is currently not showing major growth. However this segment is likely to pick up driven by the growth of 4K TVs, smart watches, handheld projectors and more.

Automotive electronics- driving growth through new devices

As per Prismark report, the share of the automotive market in electronic systems which showed 8.1% decline in value in 2015 is now expected to grow. In fact the growth rates for electronic systems for the automotive market along with the printed circuit boards in this segment are projected to be significantly higher than the average overall figures for the global electronics industry.

The demand in this segment is driven by applications in the area of safety as also by the use of HDI and microvia PCBs. This include segments such as navigation, multimedia and infotainment systems, camera systems and electronic transmission control. The demand is also on account of the growth in the concept of autonomous driving which enables collection of data and information from camera systems, ultrasound sensors etc.

Medical Electronics

The growth in the medical electronic market is driven by the high level of complexity in the market viz diagnostic and imaging devices, therapy application, patient monitoring and more. Growth is also slated on account of application areas such as surgical lighting, analytical instruments and molecular diagnostics with a high degree of medical PCB prototype innovation.

Industrial Electronics

The industrial electronics market is influenced by applications in the area of measurement and control technology, power electronics, lighting systems as well as diagnostic instruments, RFID readers as also railway technology. Going forward, M2M or what is machine-to-machine as well as machine-to-man communication modules driven will drive further growth.
Other than mapping sector wise growth, some of the other trends to watch out for include:


With a host of issues cropping up with off shore suppliers, manufacturing is now seeing a resurgence of US based operations both on account of quality assurance and safety procedures. Reshoring also comes with the added benefits of lower costs as well as better customer support.

Green PCB Manufacturing

Increasingly the benefits of incorporating eco-friendly initiatives in the manufacturing process are becoming more and more evident. It allows for higher efficiency as also positioning the company as a responsible corporate citizen. TechnoTronix delivering innovative renewable energy solution for Green PCB prototype.

Cloud Technologies

With the increased need for cybersecurity, the use of cloud based technologies are on a rise. The cloud provider is in a position to monitor network traffic for any attacks, thereby allowing safe traffic to pass through to the website. These also allow small enterprises to be more competitive as cloud technologies come at a lower cost compared to traditional data storage and maintenance systems.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence or AI which has already made its way into homes is now set to change the industrial workspace and the world of manufacturing. This is not only true of assembly line robots or self driving devices but also areas such as analyzing data sets, market trend evaluations, overall decision making. In fact it is projected that AI alone can boost the manufacturing sector’s gross value added by $4 trillion.

The above are only a few areas that anyone working in the industrial manufacturing space should be aware of, in order to remain ahead of the curve. Preemptive knowledge and action in these areas will go a long way in enhancing productivity.

At Technotronix, we are fully equipped to handle your PCB manufacturing requirements. With over 4 decades of experience in PCB manufacturing as well as assembling PCBs with differing levels of complexities, we follow industry best practices to ensure we deliver cutting-edge products. Our team of experts and state-of-the-art equipment ensures that all our PCBs meet the industry standards of quality and testing. It is our vast portfolio of satisfied clients that stand as the biggest testimony to our success. In case if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]

Things to Consider While Choosing the Right PCB Manufacturer

By | Date posted: | Last updated: September 5, 2024
PCB Manufacturer

With PCB Boards being increasingly used in a wide variety of products and processes, it is important to be able to choose the right PCB Manufacturer. Not choosing the right PCB Components will in turn cause the prototype device to fail in the testing stage itself.

Here are some key criteria to consider while choosing the right PCB manufacturer right from design and manufacturing to timely deliveries:

Quality of PCB

If there is one thing that tops the list it is to check for quality standards. This is critical both at the prototype and the design stage as small mistakes can lead to failure of the entire project.

PCB Manufacturing Cost

It is important to shop around when it comes to PCB fabrication so as to get competitive rates. It is also important to remember that while experienced designers may command a premium, quality and price aren’t always directly proportional. The vendor should also be able to provide you instant quotes so you do not waste time going and forth wasting time at the quote stage itself. Check out Some of the biggest influences that affect PCB Manufacturing Cost.


With most PCB projects having stringent deadlines, speed and timely deliveries are of essence. It is crucial, therefore, to check for turnaround times and delivery schedules. Often times price can be competitive at the cost of delivery schedules, hence this is an area to watch out for. Overall the responsiveness of the vendor is key criteria that goes towards making the right choice.

Minimum orders

When it comes to PCB Projects, particularly the prototype ones, order quantities are of essence. It is important that the manufacturer be able to cater to your minimum order requirements since different companies may operate at different minimum order benchmarks.


When it comes to PCB requirements, there is clearly no one product that can fit all requirements. Basis the specifications the PCB can vastly differ. It is therefore important to choose a vendor that can customize the PCB to your unique requirements. Choosing a vendor who has the requisite experience in your industry can therefore make a whole lot of difference.

PCB Support

It is also important to note the kind of support that the vendor can offer. For example, if the vendor has the expertise to review the design and point out any errors, it can save you from a whole lot of costly mistakes later. The vendor should also have online management and reporting tools that enable you to easily track the progress of your project as well as upload design documents and bills of materials. The vendor should also be able to support the file formats provided by you.

In choosing the right PCB Assembly Manufacturer, therefore you must ask him the following questions:

  • What is their industry experience- This will give you a fair idea of the kind and range of work they may have done as well as their ability to adapt to different requirements.
  • What are their certifications- Once again these will help you assess their compliance with quality standards.
  • How strong is the customer service team and where is it located- This will help you assess the level and quality of support that the manufacturer will be able to offer you.
  • Where do they manufacture the PCB boards- This will help you determine if the PCB manufacturer does really have manufacturing capabilities or if he is only a broker trying to pass off as a manufacturer. You should also determine if they have onshore manufacturing as that will help manage complexity, costs as well as any delays in dealing with an overseas provider. The location of the manufacturer will also help in terms of:
    • Individualized attention
    • Product control
    • Quick reaction time
    • Face to face collaboration

There is no substitute to robust research when it comes to choosing the right supplier. Beginning with research on the net, to asking the supplier relevant questions as also seeking recommendations all go towards making the right choice. It is always a good idea to check for the vendor’s list of clients to be able to seek relevant recommendations so that you are able to base your decision on real experiences of other clients and not on hearsay.

At Technotronix, we are fully equipped to handle your PCB manufacturing requirements. With over 4 decades of experience in PCB manufacturing as well as assembling PCBs with differing levels of complexities, we follow industry best practices to ensure we deliver cutting-edge products. Our team of experts and state-of-the-art equipment ensures that all our PCBs meet the industry standards of quality and testing. It is our vast portfolio of satisfied clients that stand as the biggest testimony to our success. In case if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]