Why in-house Rapid PCB Prototyping is crucial for innovating Product Development?

By | Date posted: | Last updated: May 28, 2021
Rapid PCB Prototyping

When it comes to new product development, the role of PCB prototyping cannot be undermined. After all, before commissioning a full production run, it is imperative to be sure that the PCB is functioning correctly. You wouldn’t want to risk a large run with issues that could impact the smooth working of the final product. These issues, if any, when caught at the PCB prototype stage ensure that costly errors can be avoided. A prototype is nothing but an early sample that helps test the functionality of the design. For this reason, the process of PCB prototyping needs to be planned correctly.

In fact there are different types of rapid PCB prototypes that are used to test different aspects of the design. Prominent among these are:

  • Visual models – These essentially depict the shape and component structure and help review the overall design.
  • Proof-of-concept – If you are pitching to an investor with an idea, you sure know of this type of prototype that enables you to display the functionalities of the product.
  • Working prototype – These prototypes incorporate the functions of the final product.
  • Functional prototype – These are close to the final product both in terms of design and functionality.

PCB Prototyping is also extremely important as time-to-market is continuously becoming a huge source of competitive advantage. Whether it is beating the competition or getting to the market before the technology becomes obsolete, there are enough and more reasons to speed up the process. Little surprise then that rapid in-house prototyping is the need of the hour.

Here are the many advantages that In-House PCB prototyping has to offer:

  • Quick turnaround time

    Rapid in-house prototyping comes with the distinct advantage of quick turnaround time. What that means is that you could create new prototypes within days if not hours.

  • Improved possibility of innovation

    What rapid prototyping also offers is the improved possibility of innovation. With the ability to make changes in the PCB design easily, it is far more liberating for the engineer to be able to try out different things. There isn’t the fear of thinking of a positive change and then worrying that the product is too far into the production stage. When you have the liberty to work in this manner, it is a given that efficiency increases. The engineer could discover efficient designs or waste reducing methods, all of which enhance efficiencies.

  • Reduced Costs

    While standard PCB production is costly, what adds to the cost is the possibility of errors. With rapid PCB Prototyping the cost is significantly reduced on account of the following:

    • It is easy to uncover any design flaws early. This ensures that you do not have to resort to far more expensive fixes later in the cycle.
    • With PCB Prototyping, USA, the design team can try out various permutations and combinations that work well for efficiency and cost
    • It is far easier to make any product adjustments. In turn, this leads to reduced costs when it comes to redesign, packaging and more.
    • Overall, therefore what you are looking at is improved product quality with a lower cost of manufacturing, a win-win situation.
  • Improved time-to-market

    Rapid prototyping comes with the obvious benefit of the ability to take the product far quicker into the market than traditional manufacturing. In the best case scenario, you could be looking at cutting several weeks from the product roll out schedule which really is an invaluable advantage in today’s highly competitive world. In a scenario where technology becomes obsolete quickly, you are ensuring that you do not add to inefficiencies.

  • Custom variations

    With the roll out cycle being expedited, what you have is the possibility of introducing custom designs that are tailored to the customer’s specific needs. Whether it is new features, different sizes all of it is easily executable.

Above everything it is the fact that you do not make costly errors that not only can cost you monetarily but also make dents into your company reputation, that is invaluable when it comes to PCB prototyping service.

To sum up

Producing PCBs in-house means several things ranging from reduced development cost to improved turnaround times. In short, what you have is a strong competitive edge.

One of the in house PCB prototype marvels, TechnoTronix facilitates PCB assembly services with no fuss, simple and fast prototyping with a unique way of using advanced techniques like automated layout analysis, algorithms and custom technical specimens depending on the Gerber file and BOM (Bill of Materials) required for a particular prototype. To get an exact PCB Prototype for your new product, remodeling or for other novelties; Explore our In-House PCB prototyping services!

What is the Impact of COVID-19 on Medical PCB Prototypes!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: September 7, 2024

The fury unleashed by COVID-19 on the entire world has been unprecedented. Clearly it has emerged as the most pressing health emergency in recent times. Besides its devastating impact on health, this pandemic has also had a long-term impact on global business. With many countries still recovering from stringent lockdown, it will definitely be a while before the world economy starts to inch towards pre-COVID levels.

The one area that is witnessing growing demand on account of this devastation unleashed by the disease is the medical electronics industry. Requirements for equipment such as ventilators, fog generators, patient monitors, respiratory support equipment and more, is on an all-time high, with COVID 19 cases rising every single day. What is also growing is the demand for devices such as temperature monitors and infrared thermometers, for patients to monitor their health statistics, closely. With most medical diagnosis and treatment methods having been automated, what is also growing is the demand for medical PCB Prototypes.

While PCBs are the lifeline of any electronic device and are responsible for its success or failure, when it comes to medical equipment, the need for quality PCB Prototypes is further enhanced. Here after all one is dealing with precious lives and there is no way safety or durability can be compromised.

Types of PCBs required in the medical industry

Medical PCB Prototyping find extensive application in a wide variety of equipment such as pacemakers, MRI equipment, ultrasonic equipment, CT scans, neural stimulators and more, besides the specific equipment required in the fight against COVID-19. To meet the bespoke requirements of each of these devices, there is a wide range of PCB Prototypes that can do justice to the complex machines that need the assurance of quality and durability. Here are some of the PCBs that are available specifically for medical equipment. These PCBs fit in to the custom requirements of the medical industry, particularly of equipment that is needed in the fight against COVID.

Flexible PCBs/Rigid-flex PCBs

Increasingly with a number of medical devices required to be placed in the patient’s bodies, the need of the hour is a flexible PCB, that can fit the specific, limited space as also be non-toxic and corrosion resistant. Flexible PCBs are also suited for the increasing miniaturization of equipment. Additionally, flexible or rigid-flex PCBs are well-suited for medical equipment on account of the fact that they are highly resistant to damage.


With the need for high-density connections to be packed in a small space, what also works well when it comes to PCB prototyping service for medical equipment are HDI PCBs. They can provide high transmission rates especially with the increasing miniaturization. This holds true not just for medical equipment but also for a wide range of other industries such as automobiles, telecommunication and more.

Technotronix is a known name in Medical PCB Prototyping

At Technotronix, we have over four decades of experience in PCB manufacturing and assembly services. Our advanced production techniques and manufacturing practices ensure that we make high quality, complex PCBs to suit bespoke requirements.

Even though we cater to a wide range of industries, Medical PCB prototype services remain our forte. Our strength lies in responding to the high degree of innovation in product layout with skill and dexterity. It is hugely gratifying for us to be able to support the mission against COVID 19 with best-in-class products. What we have at our disposal to be able to make this possible is unparalleled technical expertise. We understand how the fight against COVID-19 is time bound and our strength also lies in our quick turnaround times and consistent delivery of high-quality products at competitive prices. The fact that we are an ISO 9001:2015 AS9100 Rev D company, means that you can rest assured that your products are in safe hands. When you are dealing with us, you aren’t just dealing with any other vendor but a quality partner who is as committed to taking healthcare services to a whole new level.

Importantly, we at TechnoTronix are dedicated to putting our best foot forward and playing our role in offering quality PCB Prototyping in the fight towards COVID-19. Here’s to saving lives together!

The Role of Rapid PCB Prototyping in COVID-19 Outbreak Pandemic!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: September 5, 2024
Rapid PCB Prototyping

Who would have ever thought that with all our apparent progress, there would be a time when the entire world would need to literally freeze in its tracks. With the ongoing pandemic, we are seeing a health crisis as well as the many economic implications playing out, across the world.

The good news, however, is that, there is a lot of work that is happening when it comes to efforts to mitigate its impact. This is in terms of vaccine development, medicines, ventilators, diagnostic equipment and more. The problem, however, is that, ramping up production at a time when businesses have been impacted in many ways, is hard. Besides, you need a manufacturer who has the requisite experience with technology and the necessary expertise and certifications in manufacturing. Additionally, the manufacturer also needs to be proactive and agile to be able to respond quickly, given the gravity of the situation.

These are the exact reasons why your local PCB Manufacturers are well poised to take on this task.

Below are the many reasons why PCB Prototype Manufacturer can help:


With local PCB Manufacturers, the big advantage is that you are in the same time zone and communication issues are minimal, especially when time is of essence. Also, you do not have to suffer long shipping periods. All of these issues are bound to come in when you deal with offshore manufacturers, which will impede the speed of the project.

Ability of the PCB manufacturer

A local PCB manufacturer can, not only build the circuit board, they also offer a host of other services that come in handy. With capabilities such as box building cables, wire harnesses and more, they are well suited to help carry your project to completion in the shortest time frame.

Engineering PCB Prototype capabilities

The added advantage of a PCB manufacturer also is that they have strong engineering capabilities that can come in extremely handy in building the product. The engineering team can also help validate designs at the early stage so that costly errors can be avoided at a later stage.

Access to parts

A local PCB Manufacturer typically has a wide network of component manufacturers and vendors. What this means is that you have easy access to the parts required. They can also suggest parts that are better in terms of performance or price.


With a local PCB Manufacturer, the one expertise that you can also rely on is the fact that they are used to rapid PCB Prototyping. PCB Prototyping service also caters to a wide range of volumes. With a vast experience in low-volume high mix production, PCB Prototyping California, is your answer when you want to develop a superior product in the shortest possible time.

Necessary skill

Local PCB Manufacturers have already been manufacturing advanced electronic items. They, therefore, have the necessary skill set and the experience that is most needed when you are producing critical equipment that could help in the pandemic containment and save lives.


Last, but definitely not the least, what local PCB manufacturers also have is the necessary certification so that the medical equipment is built to the highest standards and meets all the regulatory as well as quality requirements.

At TechnoTronix, we have over four decades of experience in rendering high tech PCB prototypes, PCB assembly and PCB manufacturing services. Combining state-of-the-art technology with advanced engineering, we offer rapid PCB Prototyping and consistent delivery of high-quality products on time. We adopt advanced production techniques and manufacturing practices producing high quality multi-layered PCBs. Our ability to test from the board level to the box build level, ensures that we offer the most progressive solutions at competitive prices.

Among the many industries we serve, our expertise also lies in Medical PCB Prototyping. It is hugely gratifying for us to be able to make a meaningful contribution to an industry that is creating high degree of product innovation to save lives.

We are well poised to take on rapid PCB prototyping to aid diagnostic systems that can help in the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides building highly specialized boards we can also assist with the fixtures required for the project. Our extremely experienced and skilled staff ensures that little time is lost given the mission critical nature of the project.

For more information and to find out how we can assist you, email us your queries [email protected]. Feel free to contact us for PCB Prototyping, Printed Circuit Boards Manufacturing and Assembly needs!

How Medical PCB Prototype Plays a Major Role in Modern Medicine & Its Emergence!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: May 5, 2021
Medical PCB Prototype

As with many other industries, PCBs play a critical role in medicine and healthcare. From being used in pacemakers, medical imaging applications, body monitoring devices and more, their use is quite ubiquitous. Here is a broad overview of the role played by PCB prototypes in different aspects of modern medicine:

Implantable Medical Devices

These include a range of devices such as:

  • Cochlear implants for the hearing impaired
  • Implanted defibrillators for those who are at an elevated risk for cardiac issues
  • Responsive Neurostimulators for those dealing with epilepsy.

In each of these cases, basis the bespoke requirements of the patients as well as the needs of the implant, PCB prototyping can be undertaken.

Medical PCB Prototypes in Imaging

Medical PCB Prototypes have a huge role to play in the field of medical imaging.

Once again PCBs are used in a wide range of medical imaging devices such as:

  • MRIs
  • CTs
  • Ultrasound equipment

Monitoring Medical PCB device

PCB technology also finds wide application in monitoring devices such as:

Temperature monitors

Blood glucose monitors

Blood pressure monitors

  • Temperature monitors
  • Blood glucose monitors
  • Blood pressure monitors

Some of the other devices that also make use of PCB Prototyping service include:

  • Pacemakers
  • EMG systems
  • Peristaltic infusion technology
  • Muscle stimulation equipment and more

In each of the cases the PCBs need to be created to cater to the specific requirements or lab settings, as the case may be.

What works well for medical devices?

When it comes to medical devices, Surface Mount Technology Assembly works best.

The big advantages with SMT when it comes to PCB Prototyping include the following:

  • It allows for ease of automation as opposed to the through-hole method
  • It is far less expensive than the through-hole method
  • It takes up less space and is therefore extremely useful in the world of miniaturization
  • With most medical devices required to have constant motion, SMT is a better fit.

Requirements for Medical Device Manufacturers

When it comes to medical device manufacturers, two important aspects need to be kept in mind. The first are to do with the design and the other of course to do with complying with the necessary FDA guidelines.

To arrive at an optimal design, some of the questions to answer, include:

  • What is the purpose of the device
  • Can it be reduced in size without affecting its functionality?
  • Is it flexible?

With flexible and rigid-flex PCBs available these days, there is enough and more possibility to keep the devices as flexible as possible.

The next set of guidelines to follow, are to do with the FDA regulations. Some of these include:

  • Registering your establishment with FDA
  • Listing your device with FDA
  • Adhering to Quality System regulations, and more

Why you can choose TechnoTronix for Medical PCB Prototyping Service?

Choosing your electronics assembly partner is crucial for any business, as it is the PCB that can make or mar the performance of any electronic product. However when it comes to medical devices, the importance of reliable PCBs increase many fold. It is therefore imperative that the partner be chosen with extreme care.

At Technotronix, we have over four decades of experience in rendering PCB Assembly and manufacturing services. We adopt advance production techniques and manufacturing practices that result in multi-layered PCBs with bespoke layouts. Our competitive edge comes from the fact that we can offer fast prototyping and consistent, on-time delivery of quality products.

The fact that we are extremely conversant with the fact that the medical PCB prototyping industry requires high degree of innovation, means that we can partner with you effectively to take your healthcare solutions to the next level. Our quick turnaround times and the fact that we are an ISO 9001:2015 AS9100 Rev D company with an unrelenting focus on quality means that you can rely on us for your medical PCB Prototyping needs.

At TechnoTronix, when designing a medical device PCB prototype, we especially keep the following issues in mind:

  • We design boards so that it is easy to test and debug
  • The boards are designed for ease of assembly and serviceability.

In addition, our Medical PCB Prototypes adhere to the following:

  • Reduced timelines
  • Accurate, reliable prototypes
  • Reduced costs
  • Efficient project completion

At Technotronix, we combine state-of-the-art technology with our advanced engineering to deliver unparalleled quality and service. With fast PCB prototyping and consistent delivery of high-quality PCBs, we offer a robust source of competitive advantage to our clients. With our four decades of experience, you can rest assured that we are cognizant of the industry’s best practices and will keep you ahead of the curve. Visit to know more about PCB prototyping service and feel free to contact us. Also, you can drop an email to us at [email protected].